Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Grade Field Trip

Well, it's always fun in First Grade when we read Miss Jill's Ice Cream Shop. It means that our field trip is close at hand. This year for the second time in my teaching career, we went to Blue Bunny Ice Cream Parlor. There is a factory near by, but unfortunately, they won't let us in there. We didn't go last year because they went out of business a week before our field trip, but they're back open, and we were ready! We talked all week about ice cream. We did writing assignments on what kind of ice cream they wanted to get, what new flavor they thought would be yummy, and now we're writing thank you notes. It's been a great learning experience for them, and really gotten them involved in wanting to know more. When we found out how much it was per student, it hadn't changed, but it still seemed like a bit much (here's me wishing I was back at the Creamery where the kids scoop is 90 cents!). After we got there and the kids started making their cones, and they guy started filling them, I remembered why. They get a TON of ice cream! You can see from their faces how excited they are, and also why no one was very hungry for lunch when the time came.

Afterward we went to one of the new parks in town. I thought for sure since it had gotten so cold recently that they would have the fountains/water shut off, but they didn't. So the 38 kids and 10 parents got a very short lecture as follows. If you get wet, you go to "Think Time" (our schools discipline policy) as soon as we're back at school. They all understood, and miraculously, NO ONE got wet! However, I did have a parent ask me "If I get wet can I still ride the bus home?" I was shocked, annoyed, and in awe. I guess my question is what kind of parent would ask a question like that? But my response was, "You'll have to talk to the bus driver about that, but I suggest you set a good example for the kids." I really was speechless for a minute though. Meeting the kids parents, and hearing things about them, sure do give you a lot of insight into why the kids are the way they are! I definatly learned that lesson well this year. Overall, we had a FANTASTIC time on our field trip.

1 comment:

Shanae said...

Oh, I miss those kids. We were down that way last weekend, but with 3 kids; 2 babies to nap. I couldn't make it out time. Tell everyone hello.