While trying to decide whom to vote for it is very apparent to me that whatever this country
decides when we vote on November 4 will be
said to have drastically change our way of life. Not necessarily because of whom or what we vote for, but because we are already headed down a path and we have defining
decisions to make in the next 4 years. The choices of our society thus far, have led us to this point. Now is when we stand and have our voice heard. Now is when we change what our country is all about. Now is when we do whats best for us, our children, our families, and our friends. Now is when we come together for a common goal to have it accomplished. So when children in the future study history, it will be said that this election was a turning point in our society. I think we're finally ready for it. Not because of whom we elect, but because of our united goal to bring about change in America.
These are facts. We are in a down turning economy. We have a nation debt of 10 trillion dollars. We are fighting wars in at least two (depending on the day and whom you ask) foreign countries. We have members of our society fighting their own daily battles whether for their dinner, putting a roof over their heads, our country's freedom, making their life and their families lives better, or for their own lives while battling various diseases. We have moms and teachers struggling with a record number of children with autism, ADD,
ADHD, and various other learning
disabilities. We have schools trying to teach children with more children in any given class and less teachers because of "lack of funds". We have doctors and nurses in hospitals everywhere treating patients without insurance.
Isn't it time for a change. Isn't it time we stand up for something?
I personally haven't decided my vote on anything but my local school bond. I requested an early ballot, and that is the only thing I've filled in. Being so, I don't think you should vote for any particular person for any particular reason. I just think you need to know what you want to accomplish in your life, and decide which ballot items and
candidates will help you accomplish it.
Otherwise, get involved! Go to your local school, city, and town, board meetings. Volunteer, go about doing good, make
someones day better. The world changes for good, when good things are happening. My theory is, as a nation we've become obsessed with buying and having things, its why we're in debt. We can't take them with us. What we will have throughout eternity is our lives to look back on, and our families to love. Lets build them up, teach them to do good, treat them like we should, and all be better for it.
Let's make whomever is our next president look good, no matter who he is. Let us be the difference, not one man. Let's come together and make the best lemonade out of the lemons that we've been given!
It's up to us to decide our future, so make the best of it!