Saturday, January 19, 2013

One Little Word

I'm so excited about my one little word. I was first introduced to this style of resolution last year by my "wish I was her blogger buddy" Lara from less cake more frosting. She is off recuperating from a serious surgery far away from home and I've been thinking about her a ton lately. I hope all is well!

So, my one little word is...

Leap  verb
The act or an instance of believing or trusting in something intangible or incapable of being proved.

I've found great inspiration on Pinterest but the Patrick Lundquist Faith painting has always been a favorite one.

Leap!Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith...

I'll leap into more sincere relationships.

I'll leap into more genuine prayer and authentic scripture study.

I'll leap back into National Board Certification. (Here's to the Disney witches club!)

I'll leap into our new YW curriculum.

I'll leap into living child-free by choice now (as a conscious choice now, rather than forced upon us choice) and not live under the "infertile" shadow.

I'll leap into the teacher blogging world and see if I can keep up.

I'll leap into taking better care of myself.

Leaping to me requires action. It's not passive. This is good for me. I like passive too much! This way I HAVE to work at it.

(none of the pictures do I claim as my own, each link to where I found them)

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